
Epilepsy and pregnancy: What you need to know

How should I prepare for pregnancy?

Before you try to conceive, schedule an appointment with the health care provider who'll be handling your pregnancy. Also meet with other members of your health care team, such as your family doctor or neurologist. They'll evaluate how well you're managing your epilepsy and consider treatment changes you might need to make before pregnancy begins.

If you have frequent seizures before you conceive, you might be advised to wait to get pregnant until your epilepsy is better controlled.

Take your anti-seizure medication exactly as prescribed. Don't adjust the dose or stop taking the medication on your own. Uncontrolled seizures likely pose a greater risk to your baby than does any medication.

It's also important to make healthy lifestyle choices. For example:

  • Eat a healthy diet.
  • Take prenatal vitamins.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Avoid smoking, alcohol, illegal drugs and caffeine.